"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition"

Thomas Edison
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Stress test – quick and easy way of finding out how stressed you are

One of the biggest complaints people have these days is that they are stressed. We are all stressed by something and some of us are more in denial than others.  It is not surprising as it seems most people now have jobs that were designed for two people, our personal lives don’t incorporate enough rest and people are stressed that they don’t have enough time to do everything. We are hamsters in a wheel but the wheel is turning and the hamster is either exhausted or dead.  How stressed are you? Well you don’t need a counselling session to tell you, there is a simple stress test you can do within minutes to see whether you are over-stressed.

What do you need to do?

Just tick each symptom under pyschological and physical that applies to you and look at the scores at the bottom when you total yours.

Pyschological symptoms of stress

  • A sinking feeling that won’t go away
  • A short temper and irritability
  • Waking up worrying
  • Thinking or talking about your problems all the time
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Feelings of loneliness or isolation
  • Inability to relax
  • Feelings of poor memory
  • Constant sense of frustration

Physical symptoms of stress

  • Drinking or smoking more than usual
  • Pains in the neck
  • Tension headaches, aches and pains
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach upsets
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Indigestion
  • Constant exhaustion
  • Sleeping a lot more or less than usual
  • Palpitations

Now count your ticks

0-6: You are coping well at present, but make sure you know how to cope with stress at those times when problems arise.

7-12: Stress is starting to get to you, and you need to know how to relax. Make time for yourself and discover what you need to do to feel better.

13+: Your stress levels are far too high and your lifestyle needs to change.  Remember that stress can seriously damage your health. Only you can make the change.

So what can you do?

HSE Health and Wellbeing are offering a free Stress Control programme. Stress Control is an evidence-based programme that teaches you practical skills to deal with stress.

The six sessions are 90 minutes a session and will cover different topics. Participants are encouraged to watch all sessions, but participants can join at any stage for one or more session.



  1. HSE Health and Wellbeing – Free online Stress Control classes
  2. S. George. Stress Relief Made Simple. 2000.

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